keskiviikko 7. lokakuuta 2009

Three Muses: Numerology

Kolme Muusaa antoi tämän viikon aiheeksi "Numerologian". Koska tämä työ on ensimmäinen, jonka tein toiseen Muusa-altsukirjaani, otin aiheeksi numero yhden. Ykkönen on jotenkin hassu numero: toisaalta aika mitätön, onhan se vain yksi vaivainen yksikkö - toisaalta valtavan merkityksellinen, sillä sehän on aina kaiken alussa ja jokainen (tai ainakin moni) haluaa aina olla numero ykkönen ja ensimmäinen. Tein sivuille kaksi erilaista ykköstä: vasemmanpuoleinen arabialainen numero on koottu liimaamalla iso joukko lehdistä leikattuja ykkösiä paperille, oikeanpuoleisen roomalaisen numeron materiaalina on sanomalehden pörssisivu, jossa on ainakin paljon numeroita. Mittanauha ja kellotaulut ovat Annen Arkkikaupasta. - Klikkaa kuvaa niin näet sen suurempana!

The Three Muses' theme this week is "Numerology". Because this spread is the first one in the second volume of my Three Muses Altered Book, I chose number one as my subject. I think "one" is a peculiar number: on the other hand it's not much of anything - just one unit, but on the other hand it's very important - it's the beginning of everything, and everybody (or at least many) wants to be number one and the first one. I made two different "ones" on my spread: on the left side is an arabic number collaged by glueing a lot of small number ones on paper, on the right side is a roman number one cut from the stock exchange page of the newspaper (there sure are a lot of numbers on that page). On top of that page reads "Chapter One" in Finnish. The measuring tape and the clock faces are from Annen Arkkikauppa. - Click the image to enlarge it!

18 kommenttia:

  1. Thanks for sharing your meaning behind your journal page, Eila, lovely work!

  2. Fabulous work and you're right - there are a lot of numbers!

  3. Jättefint! Och smart tänkt :)

  4. Wow this is stunning.
    Fantastic work.

  5. Hauskaa, miten yhdestä numerosta saa paljon irti.
    Fynny how much one numner can tell.

  6. Wow! How clever of you to use the stock exchange from the newspaper! What a great way to begin your second volume! Both of these are #1 in my book! Bravo!!!! Hugs, Terri

  7. What a great spread Eila - absolutely right what you said about coming first, or being number 1!! Love the use of all those collaged 1s on the left and the stock exchange paper on the right is inspired!! =)

  8. Stunning altered book pages, Eila. Looks fantastic!

  9. I always love seeing your wonderful journal pages - fabulous books that you make Eila!

  10. And again very unique Eila !!
    and thanks for sharing your thoughts behind your pieces !

  11. Your gorgeous numbers need to be enlarged to see the full effect of your work, Eila, and I hope everyone does that so as not to miss how beautifully you have composed your numbers into works of art. I love the backgrounds and the way you have filled in the numbers and I enjoyed sharing your thoughts. Fantastic artwork. Your journal must be a joy to behold.

  12. Gorgeous spread and beautiful work on your numbers!!!

