Tässä ATC-korttini ThemeThursdayn viikon teemaan "Hattupäiset ihmiset". Puutarhatyöt ovat monella meistä olleet tekeillä viime aikoina, ja niinpä myös hattuni liittyy tähän ajankohtaiseen teemaan. Kortin tausta on itkupillin arkista, Scrappy Catin kukkaleimasin on Donnon valikoimasta, nainen puutarha-haalareissaan ja -hatussaan on peräisin 1950-luvun Kotiliedestä.
Here is my lady with season's hat for ThemeThursday's this week's challenge "People with hats". Gardening has certainly been season's hobby for many of us lately - thus my choice for the images. The background is from itkupilli, the Scrappy Cat flower stamp from Donno's on-line shop, and the image of the gardening lady from a 1950s magazine.
Wow really fantastic.
VastaaPoistaWonderful work. Love them.
Very nice ATC! Thanks for visiting my blog!
VastaaPoistaAbsolutely fabulous! What a magnificent piece!
VastaaPoistaAbsolutely a very very nice card.
VastaaPoistaIts lovely.
VastaaPoistaHyvän on hellesäällä pitää hattua päässään, ette auringonpistos yllätä. Kiva kortti.
VastaaPoistaThis is great! Love your retro image!
VastaaPoistaI love your gardening lady, Eila. Her hat should protect her face from the UV rays of the sun very nicely. I have a tiny garden and have eaten lettuce from it. The squashes are about 2.5 inches long already.
VastaaPoistaYour art piece is very clever and lovely.
Very nice card.
VastaaPoistaSummerly and fun piece!
VastaaPoistaFint kort, og mye fint å se på siden din Eila. Håper(hoppas) du forstår når (nær) jeg skriver på norsk. Du skrev jo til meg på svensk, og jeg forsto deg uten problem. Tusen takk for kommentaren i min blog. Håper vi snakkes igjen.
A very clever piece, love that lady.
VastaaPoistaThank-you for visiting my blog.
You have an amazing blog I thoroughly enjoyed looking at it and I love this piece, thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and the spooky thing was that I have just taken a picture of the same caterpillow in our garden yesterday