Kuten varmaan moni teistäkin, minäkin rakastan perhosia ja kukkia - niiden värit ja muodot ja loputon vaihtelu ja moninaisuus ovat vain niin kauniita.
Kolmen Muusan teemana on nyt "Wings on things" eli siivekkäitä olentoja, ja niinpä tein altsukirjaani aukeamallisen perhosia kukkaniityn yllä. Perhoset syntyivät niin, että varustin satunnaisen otoksen aikakaus- ja sanomalehdistä leikkaamiani esineitä siivillä (jotka ovat peräisin
itkupillin digiarkista).
I love butterflies and flowers - as I'm sure many of you do, too.Their colours and forms, their endless variety are just so beautiful. The theme of the Three Muses is "Wings on things", and I made in my altered book a spread full of butterflies flying over a meadow of flowers. The butterflies are composed of randomly chosen things, cut from magazines and newspapers, equipped with wings from itkupilli's digital sheet.
Such a lovely garden and truly inventive creatures! :)
VastaaPoistaWow this is fantastic.
VastaaPoistaBrilliant design. Love them.
beautiful cards!!
VastaaPoistaGood morning to Eila in Finland from me in Australia where it is now 3 in the afternoon!
VastaaPoistaEila, I am smiling because I am so happy to see your wings on things - LOTS OF WINGS ON THINGS. I hope everyone takes the time to enlarge your pictures because there is so much to see. I think my favourite is the smiling crocodile/alligator! This is such a clever and creative piece of artwork. I love it.
Wings on every thing is amazing. Who would have thought of that! Great work Eila.
VastaaPoistaAli xx
What fun you must have had putting these pages together, and what fun you've given us in enjoying them! Very creative, Eila. Thank you for joining our challenge!
VastaaPoistaThis is fun and full of joy and happiness! Hugs, Terri
VastaaPoistaOh please take the time to enlarge this lovely picture it is stunning. Nice work.
VastaaPoistaOh I love this, how very creative!
VastaaPoistaLovely artwork, Eila.
VastaaPoistaOh my !
VastaaPoistaYou have put a lot of time in this entry Eila and that's very well to see !!
I even see it better when i'm enlarge it !
Again a grate take with so many different pictures !
I think your journal gets better and better !
Truly wings on things - wonderful, creative collage - so many visually exciting images- lovely Eila!
VastaaPoistaWhat a surreal garden!!! Great!!! :O)
VastaaPoistaBeautiful and funny!
VastaaPoistaThis is most definately wings on things!! Very creative!!
Brilliant idea and beautifully done!