maanantai 8. helmikuuta 2010

Collage Obsession # 4: Longing / Kaipaus

Kesän kaipuu tuli heti mieleeni, kun luin Collage Obsessionin uuden haasteen teeman. Käytin haasteessa annettua Marceline Dayn kuvaa (rajattuna pelkkiin kasvoihin) ja sen taustalla omaa valokuvaani kesäisestä järven pinnasta, johon heijastuu sininen taivas, punertavat pilvet ja rantakoivun oksat. Ihana ruusukoristeinen kehys on peräisin itkupillin arkista.

Longing for summer is the thing that came to mind immediately as I read Collage Obsession's new theme. The photo of Marceline Day was given with the challenge, and I used it (only the face). The background is one of my own photos: there's the surface of a summer lake, reflecting the blue sky, the pink clouds and the birch branches. The frame with the wonderful roses is from a digital sheet of itkupilli.

16 kommenttia:

  1. Gorgegous frame and love the image too!

  2. Wow! The image of the lake gives this such a unique look. Beautiful!

  3. Absolutely beautiful!
    I'm mesmerized looking at your creation with so many delicate images merged together.
    It's shiny, but soft, like an oval glass reflecting the lake. It has the perfect amount of pink.
    The sweet rose embossed frame finishes it beautifully.
    This is the loveliest thing I've seen today!


  4. This is gorgeous Eila- I love the feeling and colors of summer as if a memory blended with this image- brilliant art!

  5. What an artist's touch you've given this image! The framing is gorgeous, and the blending of the image and outdoor scene are ever so effective. APPLAUSE!

  6. I too am LONGING for summer my friend!!! Your art piece is lovely & let's both close our eyes & think of the sun on our faces!!!

  7. I think we are all longing for warmer days! I love the way you incorporated your own photo into this. great frame.

  8. Very beautiful - I love the way your photo creates such a softness on the image of the lady's face. Incredible! xo

  9. Todella mystinen ja salaperainen kollaasi, tuo jarven pinnan heijastus saa mielikuvituksen liikkeelle. Hieno kokonaisuus.

    Kiitos osallistumisestasi. :)

  10. This is fabulous. Great job. I also love the caterpillar at the top of your blog!!

  11. This is wonderful - you have turned her into a water nymph I think!

  12. Great frame and a wonderful effect on the picture! Love it!

  13. Oh she is so pretty, and I love the frame and background image! Christen

  14. good idea ! very beautiful ! :-)
