maanantai 27. joulukuuta 2010

Take a Word: Music / Musiikki

Musiikin kuuntelu on yksi hyvä keino kaamoksen kestämiseen. Se vie ajatukset muualle näinä lyhyinä päivinä, jolloin valoisa aika on vielä kovin olematon. Tämä kuva on yksi sivu "Kaamospäiväkirjastani" ja osallistun sillä "Take a Word" -haasteeseen.

What better way could there be to endure the darkest time of the year than listening to music! Music takes my mind in other spheres on these short days, when there hardly seems to be any light hours between morning and evening. This image is a page from my "Black Journal" and it's my entry for the "Take a Word" challenge.

13 kommenttia:

  1. You've illustrate your feelings about those 'dark days' so well, Eila, love the curving piano keys - very clever!

  2. what a glorious idea!! very unique!

  3. Fantastic Eila...I love your hands on artwork especally the way the piano keys curl into the word an excellent touch.

  4. Beautiful work Eila. You've depicted music beautifully. xx

  5. Excellent, Eila! Love the feel of this one.

  6. This has movement, originality, and wonderful creativity. Your black journal is going to be a wonderful thing. I cannot imagine living in the land of short days. How wonderful that you have chosen to create a journal of black and turn it into something beautiful!

  7. This is so dramatic and elegant! Just beautifully done.

  8. Eila, your picture is fantastic. I love the curving piano keys which form the shape and appearance of an old juke box. This is such a clever and beautiful artpiece. Wonderful work.

    Happy New Year! Spare a thought for me melting away in an endless very hot heatwave!!
