Tässä minun mieshahmoni Theme Thursdayn maskuliini-teemaan. Tein tämän ATC:n yhtenä korttina sarjaan, jonka teema on "Kevät". Ulkomaalaus taitaa olla yksi miesten perinteisimpiä kevätpuuhia ainakin omakotialueilla. Kortin kuvat ovat taas perinneaineistoa: maalari ja talo ovat 1950-luvun Kotiliesistä, taustapaperi vanhan kirjekuoren sisäpuolta. Tämän kortin myötä toivotan kaikille ihanaa kevättä!
My version of "Masculine" is this man painting the wall of his house. I made this ATC as a part of my series of cards with spring as the theme. Painting is one of the traditional spring hobbies (or duties...) of men, at least in the suburban areas. The images of my card are again vintage materials: the picture of the man and the house come from a 1950s magazine, and the background is from the inside of an old envelope. The text says: "It's a pleasure to work in this outfit." With this card I wish you all a wonderful spring and summer (or whatever season it may be in your part of the world)!
wonderful card!!
VastaaPoistaLove the thought you put into your card....always more fun with a story!
VastaaPoistaThis is darling....love it!
VastaaPoistacute atc!
VastaaPoistaHi Eila!!
VastaaPoistaIt's so nice to hear from you. You always leave such nice comments and I really appreciate them. Your ATC is great. I love how you used the vintage images. I wish it was still Spring here in Arizona. It's been 100 degrees all week!!!