Here's my entry for this weeks Think Monday Think ATC challenge. Because I am so excited about the coming of spring and summer, I wanted to decorate this blossom with some shiny beads (well, they are not genuine jewels, but I hope they look pretty enough anyway). And I think flowers are really jewels of the nature! - The background is a piece of dark purple velvet with embroidery (I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't sew it myself, I'm not that skilful). The image of the blossom comes from an old botanical book. - This card goes to Pappi puikoissa.
great take on the theme!
VastaaPoistasoooo beautiful
VastaaPoistaThis is great!!!
VastaaPoistaThis is beautiful, love your ATC!
VastaaPoistaEila, this is so gorgeous. It looks like you sewed everything. If so, I am very impressed. Your jewels are so pretty and look right at home on the flower.
VastaaPoistaThis is fantastic. If you did the white stiching you did a fabulous job and the jewel flowers is great.
VastaaPoistaThis is so pretty and even prettier when I clicked on it to see it up close.
VastaaPoistaSametti onkin kiva idea jalokivien yhteyteen :).
VastaaPoistaBeautiful jewelflower!!