Kolmen Muusan teemana on aika. Tein taas aukeaman altsukirjaani, aiheena on tiimalasi. Aika (tai lähinnä sen puute) on ongelma, jonka kanssa kamppailen päivittäin. Aika ei tunnu riittävän mihinkään, vaikka eihän sen pitäisi loppua, kun sitä tulee koko ajan jostain lisää. Niinpä halusin kuvitella ajan tiimalasiksi, jonka voi kääntää ympäri heti, kun hiekka on valunut ylhäältä alas - sillä lailla ajan voi ajatella loputtomaksi.
The Three Muses' theme this week is Time. I made a new spread in my altered book, using an hourglass as the main image. Time (or actually the lack of time) is a problem I am struggling with daily. There doesn't seem to be enough time for all the things I want to do - and yet, time can not run out completely, beacause there's always more time coming from somewhere. So I want to imagine time as an hourglass which can be turned over when the sand has run down - this way I can think that time is endless.
Wow your work is incredible.
VastaaPoistaStunning piece.
Lovely pages!! love the birds!
its gorgeous
VastaaPoistaWhat a wonderful spread!
VastaaPoistaWhat a lovely interpretation of the challenge! You are quite right, we seem ever to be chasing the elusive TIME! Well done. Thank you for joining us this week.
VastaaPoistaEila I am blown away by the varied interpretations for this week's theme of Time, and yours is yet another creative take on the challenge. Bravo my friend.
VastaaPoistaThis is so clever. I love your take on time.
VastaaPoistaBeautiful thoughts on time and your journal page expresses those thoughts perfectly- love the hour glass!
VastaaPoistawhat a great idea to think of the hour glass that shows how time runs... great spread!
VastaaPoistaEila, this is great - I love the symbolism of the hourglass and it makes perfect sense! I also love the way you think about time - bravo!
VastaaPoistaLove the hourglass, brilliant!
VastaaPoistaI love your concept of turning the hourglass over to keep time from ending! Great idea! ~Lori
VastaaPoistaEila, your piece with the hourglass is beautiful. Time goes faster when you are as old as I am.
VastaaPoistaNow that is a bright idea using an hourglass, Eila! Your journal pages are so colourful & lovely!
VastaaPoistawhat a cool piece...I never thought of an hour glass..wow!!! wonderful work!!!
VastaaPoistaWow, such amazing journal pages; they are all so beautiful!
VastaaPoistaI think you are the only person who thought of using an hour glass for the challenge and what a beautiful hour glass it is! I love seeing your most gorgeous journal pages each week, Eila. Your artwork is exquisite.
VastaaPoistaSimply amazing, Eila! Love your take on the theme. Just a delight!
VastaaPoistaI love the sentiment behind this spread. I too never have enough time to do everything I want to do. It's time to turn the glass over! This is very symbolic and oh so wonderful in its details.
VastaaPoistaLove the colours.
VastaaPoistaYour so right about haven't enough time for all the things !
VastaaPoistaI'ts recognizable to me, therefor i'm so late this TIME to watch youe entry this week Eila.
But now...i'm glad that i've vissit your blog.
What a gorgeous page !! AGAIN !!
A hour glass!!! What a great find . Your piece is beautiful and great colors!
VastaaPoistaCool and colourful piece, that shows the time in many ways
VastaaPoistaKumpa jostain todella saisi lisää aikaa tai voisi vain pysäyttää sen. Ajatus jatkuvuudesta on kaunis niinkuin kuvakin.