Lintujen muutto on minun mielestäni sellainen uskomaton matka, joka on
Kolmen Muusan teemana tällä viikolla. Miten ne jaksavat lentää niin pitkiä matkoja, miten ne osaavat suunnistaa oikeaan suuntaan, miten ne löytävät vuosi vuodelta takaisin samaan pihapuuhun? - Kollaasini lintukuvista useimmat ovat peräisin National Geographic -lehden liitteestä (huhtikuu 2004), kartta on vanhasta Valttujen Palojen karttakirjasta, muut kuvat erilaisista aikakauslehdistä ja mainoksista. - Klikkaa kuvaa, niin näet sen isompana!
Bird migration is really an incredible journey - which is the theme of the Three Muses this week. How can the birds fly so far away, how can they navigate to the right direction, and how are they able to return to the very same tree on my yard year after year? - Most of the bird images in my collage are from National Geographic magazine's supplement (April 2004), the map is from an old Readers' Digest Atlas, the rest of the images are from various magazines and ads. - Click the picture to see it larger!
Eila, I love your idea of an incredible journey because the migration of birds from one hemisphere to another is the MOST incredible journey on earth. We are visited by birds in south-western Australia which have flown all the way across the world from Russia, so close to your country. I never cease to be amazed at their journey, how such tiny birds have the strength to fly over 20,000 kilometres to stay in the warmth of summer.
VastaaPoistaI love your picture which is so beautiful and so lovingly done. Thanks so much for joining in the challenge and giving us all something to think about - the wonders of nature.
Great spread
VastaaPoistaAn amazing artwork devoted to the wonders of nature, it is so beautiful, Eila, you must be very pleased with your creation!
VastaaPoistaThis is quite simply very lovely work, imbued with gentle,low-key humour....all their motions just flow so naturally on your pages... A Pleasure to see!
VastaaPoistaincredible and such a good subject to choose for the journey I always wonder how they know wher eto go. love the added baskets and bags
VastaaPoista...and you've chosen the most incredible journeys of all, and illustrated them beautifully! I love that they have their bags packed. This is fresh and creative, Eila. Well done!
VastaaPoistaWhat a smile maker this one is…
VastaaPoistaI had an aunt who use to winter in the south. We called her
The migrating bird, she would fill her car with baskets and baskets of things to take south…
In the spring those baskets were filled with gifts for us all..
Lovely artwork…
Wonderful artwork. I love everything about it.
VastaaPoistaEila, you've chosen a wonderful interpretation of this week's theme! I love all of your birds and their assorted baggage - brilliant! Hugs, Terri
VastaaPoistaBeautiful work Eila and a wonderful take on this theme! Bird migration is an extraordinary journey indeed!
VastaaPoistaEila I am loving your wonderful interpretation of an incredible journey. Your artwork and journaling is a delight. Great job.
VastaaPoistaOne of life's great mysterious journeys chronicled! Great art work!
VastaaPoistaAn very imaginative montage of elements.
VastaaPoistaTruly magical, To fly would be the most incredible journey of all.
VastaaPoistaI love your take on the theme...great work! ~Lori
VastaaPoistaWhat a great idea andto have the start and end on two different pages is magic!
VastaaPoistaAli xx
Wow, this was a great idea! These both look fantastic.