TMTA:n aiheena ovat kuninkaat ja kuningattaret. Omat kuninkaalliseni löysin eläinmaailmasta: mehiläiskuningatar jos kuka on todelllinen kansansa valtias, kuninkaatkin hänen alamaisiaan. Toivottavasti suotte anteeksi kuvani hyönteistieteellisen epätäsmällisyyden: kuningatar ja kuninkaat taitavat olla ihan eri lajeista, ja kuninkaiksi sijoittamani olennoista ainakin osa ihan vain työläisiä... - Tausta ja mehiläistagi ovat Graphic 45:n skräppipapereista, kuningatar on kotoisin lahjapaperista. - Tämä lähti vaihdossa Amylle.
TMTA's theme are kings and queens. I found my royal family from the insect world: the bee queen is a real ruler of her people, even the kings are her subjects. Please forgive me my entomological inaccuracy: my queen and her kings seem to be of quite different species, and some of the kings are really only workers... - The background and the tag are from scrapping papers by Graphic 45, the queen is from a gift wrapping paper. - This one went to Amy.
Wow this is fantastic.
VastaaPoistaGorgeous ATC.
What a delightful ATC. I love the different bees in your creation. It makes it really interesting.
Cool..love the crown on your bee. I like that you made yours with bee's..something different!
VastaaPoistaI love your take on this challenge! I'm really quite sick of all Marie Antoinettes LOL. This is refreshing :)
VastaaPoistaLove your ATC and your take on the challenge!!
This is very impressive.
VastaaPoistaStunning ATC.
Oh great work. love the bee and very original and beautiful background too
VastaaPoistahugs june x
Brilliant take on the theme!
VastaaPoistaGreat design and idea! Wonderful ATC.
VastaaPoistaWhat a great idea to have a queen bee. I don't think a queen bee really cares what species the workers or kings are as long as she is the queen bee.
VastaaPoistaGreat job on your ATC!