tiistai 7. heinäkuuta 2009

TMTA: Puutarhassa / In the Garden

TMTA:n teemana on "Puutarhassa". Oma puutarhani ei ole kovin hyvin hoidettu, ja niinpä siellä kasvaa enimmäkseen kaikenlaista heinää ja ruohoa ja monenmoista rikkakasviksi kutsuttua lajiketta (joista monet ovat mielestäni silti ihan kauniita). Puutarhan hoito tuntuukin minusta yhdeltä isolta, tappioon tuomitulta taistelulta vihreää biomassaa vastaan. Niinpä tässä ATC:ssani on vain ruohoa - mutta vihreä onkin lempivärini. - Korttini on maalattu akryyliväreillä valmiin valokuvanpalan päälle.

TMTA's theme is "In my Garden". I am not very skillful in gardening, so in my garden grow mostly grass and hay and weed - but I think that many of these "unwanted" plants are actually quite beautiful. Often I feel that gardening is just one long and desperate fight against green bio matter. So in my ATC there is only green grass - but green is really my favorite colour. - I painted my card with acrylics on a piece of a found photograph.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Eila, how clever and how beautiful! I am not fond of gardening because I do not like to pull out weeds. However, this summer I have a very, very small vegetable garden. It is mostly green. I hope the green tomatoes will soon turn red. We have eaten yellow squash and green peppers and green lettuce. I also use photographs that did not turn out well for my backgrounds sometimes.

  2. why not ! grass is part of the garden

  3. i love the sight of your garden; i feel like an ant or beetle climbing amongst the grasses;) love your shades of green!

  4. Wow this is really striking.

  5. Most of complain when we get grass in our gardens but you've certainly made some beautiful art with your grass.

  6. Great original take on the im garten theme Eila! Weeds certainly are a big part of gardening here in my Virginia garden, I am spending much more time in my favorite computer chair these days :)

  7. Great artwork and idea! I like this a lot. I think that gardening is a battle against weeds, and they're winning in my yard. :-(

  8. I think you'd like my garden, it's mostly Native Perennials, so all I usually have to do is put on new mulch!Simple, but effective piece (and hey, it's greens )!
